Read My Published Works Online

In April, I released a chapbook called an ode to the sunshine through my bedroom window during springtime. It sold out within two weeks. While contemplating the turning of seasons and the welcomed fall weather, I remembered my springtime chapbook. I wanted more people to be able to read it, despite its tiny print-run. I decided to put the chapbook up on my website, so we can all admire spring during autumn.

Then I thought, why limit it to just the chapbook?

You can now read all of my previously published works by clicking the button below–so get reading!

Please continue to support print publications! Holding a physical copy of a book or a magazine in your hands is experiential, transformative, and beautiful. Tangibility creates a relationship between the work and the viewer. The texture of the pages, the sheen of the ink, the structure of the typeface–print is an art that cannot be replaced or undervalued. Keep print alive by supporting your local publications!

Special thanks to: Grant Thomas + the Seen and Heard Collective, Transfer Magazine, Crooked Teeth Literary Magazine, Milvia Street Literary Journal, Øyvind Jonas Jellestad, all of the readers, and everyone who supported me by purchasing my chapbook!